Installation Inside-Earth-Outside consist of Hearing inside watching cinemagraph [15’], analogue photos and Inside-Earth-Outside audio-visual object.
In our installation Inside-Earth-Outside were are working, in general, with two types of audio-visual material. On the one hand, there is concrete material, e.g. analogue photos and ambient samples, recorded during our residency in Fljótstunga (Iceland). On the other hand appear computer modifications or samples generated by electronics software.
Creative process, during our stay in Fljótstunga, was not only limited to working with sounds, paintings or photos, but had great impact on the metaphorical and conceptual layer of our activities. We have have been searching for an appropriate ”answer”, that will catch something, that we can find only in that particular place. We were (and are) quite sure that both conceptual and audio-visual layer of our project can be realised only while (or after) visiting Iceland.
Inside-Earth-Outside is a metaphor of situation, when our senses, through the experience of pure nature, are extremely sharpened. We are particularly interested in catching moment, when we forget about all additional, and in fact artificial, aspects of our city life and surrounding. Inside-Earth-Outside is an allegory of process of contemplation; a situation, when we are staring at seemingly static landscape, but still, we can notice an endless, repetitive motion, vibration, something like ”breathing earth”. That is the moment, when we see and hear much more, when, finally we begin to hear ourselves.
Sound by Piotr Peszat
ⓒ Katarzyna Feiglewicz 2024